FS- 105#
WOD 10+15 @ 85# first day with no band on pull-ups!
Kb class, light weight
FS: 75-85-104-125-145
WOD: 10+16 RX Advanced
Rach H
FS: 55- 85-105-125-135 (not bad for first time doing that w/ bumm shoulder) had to rack bar lower, but it worked.
12’s+ 12 (95# BS, white pd KB C&J)
Cally Vinz
WOD: 12+ 14, struggled with front squats, only used 45#. Gotta get greater mental toughness to tolerate the discomfort of some of these movements.
Oly night! Worked Max for C&J in prep for the meet. My elbows/tris are KILLING me from the ring dips.
FS: 245
Wod: 12+16, C2B
12+13 Rx.
WOD 12+22 RX
FS- 105#
WOD 10+15 @ 85# first day with no band on pull-ups!
Kb class, light weight
FS: 75-85-104-125-145
WOD: 10+16 RX Advanced
FS: 55- 85-105-125-135 (not bad for first time doing that w/ bumm shoulder) had to rack bar lower, but it worked.
12’s+ 12 (95# BS, white pd KB C&J)
WOD: 12+ 14, struggled with front squats, only used 45#. Gotta get greater mental toughness to tolerate the discomfort of some of these movements.
Oly night! Worked Max for C&J in prep for the meet. My elbows/tris are KILLING me from the ring dips.
12 even @ 135 (ufta) with red band – almost died……but, in stead, just got stronger 😉
I was sweating like a crazy man! It was awesome!