My name is Vince Brickley, I’m 44 years old, married with 2 little girls, and I work as an inpatient research support pharmacist at Mayo. I started CrossFit Progression at the end of July, and I usually come to the gym 2-4 times per week, depending on schedules.
I never felt like I struggled with my weight, but I will say that I’ve spent the last 12 years of my life bouncing from pant size to pant size. My most recent waist size was creeping up on 40. I find that 40 is a fantastic age to be but it is a bit unsettling as a waistline. I was putting some serious strain on my belt buckle. My fitness level was just about zero, and my exercise regimen consisted of a walk on the treadmill every few weeks, mostly so that I could enjoy an episode of “Weeds” on Netflix. I was out of breath all the time, and had very little energy.
I first heard of CrossFit when my wife Jen started attending CrossFit Progression back in January. She was full of New Year’s enthusiasm to get in shape, get fit, and be healthy, and a friend had told her about CrossFit. She joined, and though she encouraged me to try it out, I had two major reasons not to. One was that I have never been an athlete, so when she would describe the different WODs I would think to myself, “OK, maybe I could get through one round of that, but as many times as possible?! Right!” (Ask her!) I was completely intimidated by reading over the workouts. I was also dealing with a chronic pain issue with my left shoulder – something had happened to it and I was in a state of constant discomfort. In fact just lifting my left arm above shoulder level caused so much pain that I had actually consulted a physician about it. They recommended that I consult physical therapy about it, but being a guy, I just ignored it and hoped it would go away.
Jen continued to encourage me to join, telling me how “normal” CrossFitters were. She showed me the testimonials on the CrossFit website that Cally and Steve, Amy D, and Kessa and Josh had recorded, and she was right, they did seem normal. She also showed me before and after pictures that she had taken of herself when she first started in January, and then again in June, and I was amazed by the physical transformation that had occurred in such a short time. She said to me, “You should do this. You could be a completely different person by Christmas!” So I broke down and scheduled an interview with Matt.
On the day of my interview I was pretty nervous because I knew that I was going to have to do a workout and I was completely out of shape. Like can maybe do a pushup out of shape. Both Jen and Matt told me to just do what I could, and to scale if I needed to. I went out to the beginner class and did a 400 meter run, a bunch of air squats, rowed 400 meters, and did burpees, lots of burpees. I was completely sore and couldn’t walk right for a week, but I did it! I kept going, and I’ve been going ever since. I have lost 30 pounds since I started, and my shoulder pain is gone. I have muscles popping out everywhere, and my wife kids me that all those squats and kettlebell swings have given me a butt.
People ask me why I go to CrossFit, and to be honest, sometimes in the middle of a tough workout I wonder why I go to CrossFit! The reason is that I always feel great when I’ve completed a workout. Sore and sweaty, yes, but always great. So that’s what I tell everyone. I’m getting stronger every week, and I’m feeling pretty good about myself. I enjoy coming to the gym and I think that every one of the coaches are awesome. That’s why I go to CrossFit.
Vince Brickely
Friday 12142012
A. Cleans – 7 x 2 w/90 Sec Rest
50 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
25 x C2B Pull-ups
30 x Wallballs
20 x C2B Pull-ups
20 x Wallballs
15 x C2B Pull-ups
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Nice story Vince!!! Keep up the AWESOME work!!!
Vince, your doing great….keep up the good work!
10:15 regular pull ups…….arms are shaking a bit 🙂 Fun workout!
Thanks you guys!
Did the workout in 9:57, regular pull ups with a 14# ball and the green band. That’s a first for me, up until now I’ve needed the black band. #Progression! 🙂
A. 85-105-115-125-130-135-140
B. 11:52 Rx
10:10 WOD. Shredded my hands.
9:33 with 14# ball and banded pull-ups
12:10, blue band, 10# wb
cleans: 85, 85, 95, 95, 105, 105, (ran out of time for last set)
wod: 9:48? I can’t remember
10# wb, and reg pullups.