Wednesday 01082014

CFP's 2011 Regionals Team
CFP’s 2011 Regionals Team


A.  EMOM – 10 Mins

Even – 10 x Close Grip Push-ups

Odd – 5 x Strict Pull-ups


30 – 20 – 10




Box jumps w/Step-downs

Performance – Sport 

A.  EMOM – 10 Mins 

Even – 6 x Push Presses @ 115lb/85lb (Sport @ 135lb/95lb) 

Odd – 10 x Pull-ups (Sport C2B) 


30 – 20 – 10 


American Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood (Sport @ 2 pood/1. 5 pood) 

Push-ups (Sport HR Push-ups) 

Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch 

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18 Responses
  1. Malachi Johnson

    A.) @ 135
    B.) Finished, but it wasn’t pretty….It wasn’t pretty at all. Like around 16:00 something even though there was a 15 minute cap.

  2. Jessi A

    A. Done 65#, thick green+thin blue bands PU
    B. 18:30 used two green bands to do push-ups, did box step-ups, still scared of box jumps – – – who decided on the 15 min cap???

  3. Nicole Chovan

    Then sand suicides. I tried to mark off 25ft, 50ft, 100 ft. x5 with approx 30 seconds rest. I didn’t time them though. Tough stuff!

  4. Pat Demeules

    A. 3 rounds of 115, 2@ 95. Green band. Glad I took the advice of Matt and tried 115
    B. 15:58. 1 pood swings. Good workout.

  5. Susan Kian

    Emom 85#pp/5 CTB+ 5 regular pull-ups

    Wod modified 12:36

    Burpees( just went down to a plank)
    1pood kb
    Knee pushups

    Felt like a got a good workout despite the modifications….

  6. Amy S

    A. 45# push press, black band pull ups…still trying to get 5+ pull-ups at one time
    B. 2 rounds + 10 burpees. Great one to come back to!

  7. Paul Bye

    A. completed – Push Press @115#, green banded pull-ups (had to hop a little bit on the last set, but that’s better than I usually do)
    B. 15:48 – @1 pood American swings, box step-ups/downs
    Today was much better than Monday! Holiday hangover disappearing…

  8. JennF

    A, 85# pp; skinny red and orange band pull ups– grip hurts.
    B. 14:59 Performance. Had to rebound my last box jump to get in under cap. Felt pale and Queezy after this one.

  9. Ryan N

    A. @115
    B. 14:32, had to finish last half of box jumps as step up step downs, so finished but not in the finest fashion.

  10. Keith G

    A: push presses @ 75#, pullups with blue band – mostly fails after the 2nd round
    B: 14:50 ( I think the clock started at 15:00) – anyway, finished with 10 sec to spare

  11. Steve Vinz

    A. 95 lbs, kipping pullups unbroken
    B. 15:19 with 1.5 pood and 20″ step-ups
    Good workout….liked this one!

  12. Sara Jech

    85lb PP/ 10 Kipping Pull Ups….. Two weeks away from pull ups makes your hands soft…… 3 blood blisters 🙁

    14:23- Black tape KB, Knee push ups, all box jumps
    GREAT WOD………

  13. Julie Davies

    2nd CrossFit workout: Thank you Julie for all your help. Back is feeling better. Have a long ways to go before I can do a decent push up from knees.