A. 5 Rounds AFAP:
9 x Thrusters @ 95lb/65lb
9 x Pull-ups
Rest 10 minutes and then…
3 Rounds AFAP:
300M Row
20 x Wallballs
10 x Kettlebell Swings 2 pood/1.5 pood
You have the option to perform both workouts or choose one only.
-Post results under comments
Just so y’all know I’m not dogging’ it on my trip:
28 FEB 2012 CF
Prior to class:
500 meter row
15 min stretching
3 min AMRAP:
3 Wall Climb
6 Pushups
9 Jump Squats
5 Rounds (bar only, skill practice, 90 sec rest between sets):
3 Power Snatch
3 Snatch Pulls
3 Power Snatch
10 Rounds for time:
3 squat snatch (plastic bar only, butt box mod for form work and flexibility)
15 Wall Ball (6 lbs)
Situps 30×2
Kettlebell side raise (16×20)x2
Skill work- Split jerk,double unders, handstand
Did W0D2 9 min scaled 10# MB
I see I retardedly put yesterday’s workout under today’s post. Here’s today’s WOD from CF Venture in Vail, Colorado:
29 FEB 2012 CF
Warmup: jumping jacks, dynamic stretching, static stretching
Medicine ball partner situps: 3×20, 6 lb ball
200 yard jump sprints (touch fingers to ground every “lap” x 3)
Partner WOD for time – kcal:
Partner 1:
9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 cycle through;
Air squats
Pullups (jump pullups)
Box jump (low box + 45 plate)
Partner 2:
Row for kcal
Switch, team score = Time – kcal. Forgot to write down the time. Kcal 235.
A. 5:56: 55lb/Green band (need to start using the blue band)
B. 9:23: 10lb WB/53lb KB
Nice work tonight guys!
6:30 Rx – 9:43 Rx ….This WOD suck so good that I was still recovering 45 mins after while sitting in the sauna….which was kinda like yesterday too.
I know I am not overtrained, it is the sleep deprivation (which is non-modifiable with my line of work) that’s messing up my body & mind. If not for my diet (thanks to Jen and Julie for spearheading the Paleo Challenge) I probably would not have any motivation/energy to step in the “box” for the last month and a half. Nonetheless I am very happy with my workouts, so I wanted to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to all the CFP Coaches for doing a FANTASTIC JOB with the Programs. I know it’s a tough job to put up all the daily WODs plus putting up the different Challenges/Programs (PR challenge, Oly Lift Class, Throwdown, Best shape of my life, Bring a Guest Day, the summer activities, etc.) to keep all the members motivated and to start & keep up with their own personal goals.
I didn’t think that I can still be this physically active considering my age and “lifestyle” without CFP. You Coaches Rock! Cheers! (where’s my beer?)