The WLC challenge finale will be held this Friday starting at 6 pm through 8 pm. There will be no classes at 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm or 6:30 pm. Make up for the WLC workout can be done this Thursday the 11th at 6:30 pm.

A. Clean Progressions – (Pos 1, 2, 3)
B. Mini Angie
50 x Pull-ups
50 x Push-ups
50 x Sit-ups
50 x Squats
20 Min Cap
A. 5 x 3 – Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean (Pos 2) w/2 Min Rest
B. Angie
100 x Pull-ups
100 x Push-ups
100 x Sit-ups
100 x Squats
20 Min Cap
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
B. Choose Your Medicine
100 x Pull-ups
100 x Push-ups
100 x Sit-ups
100 x Squats
Regionals 2011
100 x Pull-ups
100 x Kettlebell Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
100 x Double-unders
100 x OHS @ 95lb/65lb
20 Min Cap
Optional Accessory
3 Rounds AFAP
500M Row
200M Run
-Post results under comments
Clean PR’ed at 105
WOD: Mini Angie
A: 115 (no split jerk, 2x push jerk instead)
B: 19:15 all reps even if it took me longer then the 5 min cap per 100.
A. 65, 75, 85, 95
B. 19 something 75-100-100-100
Really good workout!! used a band for the pull-ups and squats were almost legal
1. 80# clean
2. 20 ish mins
67 red banded pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 air squats
Ugh! Good workout.
A: @95×2,115×3
B: Angie: 18:02(-4:49Pr)
A. 65-75-80-85-90
B. 80-100-100-62 –hit the time cap of 20 minutes
A. 85 for 4 and 105 for 6 emom
B. Angie 16:05 I liked this workout a lot. …. intensity was just at the right level so i felt like i could breathe throughout the workout so I didn’t have to stop for long periods of time like usual.. Push-ups were the hardest part…I think I didn’t go down quite low enough in my push-ups but it was all my arms good manage while keeping a good body position.
A. EMOM @ 125# (2 push jerks instead of doing a split jerk. Probably should of gone heavier, dare I say that 125# is tarting to feel light!)
B. 100 pull ups ( which completely sucked)
100 Am KBS @ 1 pood ( also sucked after grip was gone from pull ups)
100 abmat sit ups
29/100 OHS @ 75# ( hit 20 min cap)
Good WOD. Lost my grip strength pretty quickly!
A. @ 155lbs
B. 16:32 (PR by 1:53)
A) 85,95,95,95,95
B) 13:00 50,50,50,100
Should have just went for as many as possible in the time cap.
A.) 135, 185, 205, 225 (missed the last 2 hang cleans…..close, but didn’t finish)
B.) 50, 100, 100, 100 20:10 had to finish push -ups even though time had run out, I was about 6 away so I finished them.
Performance– 105#
Mini (conserving for WLC) — 8:29 (skinny blue and skinny red bands) then added a few extra pull ups , a few extra sit ups, and some unassisted kipping pull up attempts.
STRICT PUSH UPS SUCK. Loved the workout!
Oops. I considered 105, but stayed at 85, due to fear with back feeling okay, but didnt want to make it worse before the WLC.
A. 95, 95, 115, 115, 115
B. 18:30, 80-70-60-100
Good workout….push-ups sucked!