A. Partner Fight Gone Bad
With a partner complete 3 rounds with a 1:30 of work at each movement:
Russian Kettlebell Swings 1.5 pood / 1 pood
Box Jumps
Push Press 75lb/55lb
Row for Calories
Only 1 partner is allowed to work at a time, score = total reps of all three rounds between the team.
-Post results under comments
Jorge and Nate: 803
Laura and Rach H: 721
Great job today 10a class!!!!
Kit and Staci: 782Rx (I had to do step-ups).
Nice work partner!!!
Shawn & Shanna: 622 Rx+ (30/20# MB, 95/75# press, 24″, 2/1.5 pood KB-American). NICE WORK today Shanna!!!
Jim & Steve V. 602
Scott, Jeremy, and I made it through 750 reps with a 30# ball, 135# press, 30″ box, and 2pood KB.
I’m a big fan of partner/ team workouts.
Roo and Travis – 805 – mostly Rx. (I did 1 arm KB swings with 1 pood due to shoulder issue). Great job Travis!!
Fun& challenging workout!! 654- scaled.Great job partner-Tessa (?sp) I love to work with partners, great way to get to know others
608 for Drew and I. Drew hit most RX, I scaled. Fun workout.
John and Christy : 662, I scaled, I think Christy RXed. I had a blown shoulder tonight so having a PT for a partner was awesome.
Sara/DK 536 10# ball, 35# kb, 45# bar, 16″ box (me)
First time using 16″ box for a WOD! wall balls were good, KB are solid .Great WOD!
750 w/ Mark and Scott,
First time using a 30# wallball, Like the partner workouts.
Good workout. A needed rest for today.