A. EMOM – 10 Mins
5 x DB Thrusters (Build)
150 x Russian Swings
75 x Wallballs
15 Min Cap
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
3 x Power Cleans (Focus on speed through the finish)
B. Masters Qualifier WOD
100 x Pull-ups
100 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
15 Min Cap
-Scale accordingly, not everyone can safely do 100 pull-ups in a workout.
-Post results under comments
A. 85×3 95×2 105×2 115×2 125 x1 felt good
B. 14:08 75 pull ups with thin green and red. Prob should’ve done less. Needed to rest a lot. 100WBs. 14#.
Still recovering from the wrist sprain so did everything with left arm:
A. 6 sets at 22.5 and 4 at 25. Went through the motions with the other arm.
B. Nasty WOD. 1 pood for swings. Did front squats with a 16# ball. 11:00.
A.) 135×8, 155×2
B.) 10:25 – Nasty workout….
A. 95X5, 115X5
B. 14:01 Rx
A. 65×3, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100
B. 12:44 – 50 PU’s w/blue band, 50 american swings w/blue KB (too light, should’ve used yellow), 14# WB
13:11 skinny blue band, 12 # WB
Felt good!
A. partnered with Julie (great work!) 5 rounds @45; 5 rounds @50 (really trying to work on form, or my lack there of!) Thanks so much
for all your help Coach Juli! 🙂
B. 13:46
Pullups: medium green & skinny blue bands – first 20 were strict, then did kipping in 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5 = 100
100 wallballs w/8lb. ball. Did them 20, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 = 100
I really didn’t even expect to be able to finish, surely didn’t expect to finish before 15 minutes! Wow! Felt frickin amazing!
Not much difference but realized the 2nd set of 5 for part A was actually @55 lbs. Don’t want to rob myself of 5 lbs. when everyone else is lifting lots more! 🙂
100 wb
100 kb swings
30 MU progressions
30 dips
Ghd slow 30
Back raises 30
Core work with med ball
Shoulder mobility
15 min rowing
Cfp strength from 5-6
Realizing getting back to where I was last summer is going to be a lot of work :/
A. 125-125-125-135-135-145-145-155-155-155
B. Pendlay Rows 85-95-100
DB step ups 30-40-40
C. 10 pistols/5 HSPU- worked on form and keeping hands closer together and inside 34″. Actually felt good today.
D. 12:52 w/ 14# WB
Warmup. Hit 249m twice
A. 135-155×8-175 on last set. Still work to do on elbows.
B. 13:11 – 75x jumping pull-ups, 100x wallballs @20#. Definitely burned out by the end.
A. 3 x Power Cleans – 135-135-135-155-155-155-175-175-175-175
B. AFAP (finished right around 14:00)
100 x Pull-ups w/ green band
100 x Wallballs @ 14lb
This was a good workout to get back into the swing of things. I’ll definitely be sore the next couple of days!
A. PC up to 80#. Kept it light. Wanted to make sure my elbows were okay.
B. 1 pood, 10# ball: 13:06
felt good. and my elbows are feeling great since I’m posting this on Thursday.