A1. Strict Press – 5 x 3 w/30 Sec Rest
A2. Russian Swings – 5 x 10 w/2 Min Rest
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
400M Run/Row
20 x Ball Slams
2 Min Rest
A1. Push Press – 5 x 3 w/30 Sec Rest
A2. Russian Swings — 5 x 10 w/2 Min Rest
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
400M Run/Row
20 x Box Jumps w/Step Down
2 Min Rest
-Post results under comments
A. 85-85-105-115-115. 2 pood KB
B. 12:44. 400M row and 20″ step ups. Love the workouts with the little breaks in.
A1. 55, 65, 65, 70, 70
A2. 1 pood x2, black kb x3
B. 12:54 (2:57/3:01/2:56) Row and 16″ jumps. Worked on feeling confident about the BJ since I biffed it last time. Also focused on being consistent each round and not crapping out on the last round. Mission accomplished. 🙂
A1.) 165, 165, 165, 175, 175
A2.) 2pood
B.) 10:45 – WOD was adjusted to 1min break between rounds because Shawn loves us, or something. 30” box 1st and 3rd round. 2nd round dropped it to 24”. Felt pretty blah today…. I blame the weather.
A. 95, 115,125,135,135
B 2pood
B. 11:42
A. 105,115,125,135,145(pr)
B. 11:15 Don’t like step downs. They are so slow and unnatural
A. 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 (PR!)
B. 12 something – I can’t remember! Jumps the first round, step-ups second and third round.
A1. Left-arm KB presses @ 1 pood
A2. 1 pood as well.
B. 90s on AB then box jumps in 11:35. That was a quad burner.
A. 75, 85, 95, 95, 100. Green KB
B. 13:03 RX
A. 5×5 oops 65-85-105-115-115
B. 3:46 no misses
C. Just practiced HS walks
Shoulder mobility
A: 75/85/90/95/95
B 13:55 with Mark
Did ball slams first round, then 20″ step-ups for the rest. Still resting my groin pull
Warmup. Good warmup Michael!
A. Push Press 5×3 @135# all rounds
B. Partner/you-go-I-go with Ryan – completed (forgot to look at the clock). Leg burner
A. 105-115-125-135-150
B. You go I go with Heather. I’m struggling with stringing them together. Need to work on this with some coaching.
C. Only did 5 rds of AB. Shoulders feeling a little funky.
D. Done 10:02 @ 175# DL
A. Push press– 85-95-105-115-125
B. Partner you go I go w/ Jech. Kept 400M row at pace of 1:50/500m… 155 DL.
30 Sec Handstand holds against wall with occasional attempts to have feet off of wall 3 cal AB (28 sec approx) x5.
3 rounds. 15 strict push ups, 1 min plank, 30 sec left side plank, 30 sec right side plank, 30 sec sit ups.
Push press and kb swing with light weight. Did more reps than prescribed
Rowing with handstand walks
I have a knot in my shoulder …felt like I slept on it wrong. It bugged me during hs walks and then I did a few attempts at mu after class but they weren’t very aggressive. Will try these again when my shoulder feels ok. Kind of an annoying day today…didn’t feel like I got a workout and felt trapped in my house all day…snow. Ugh.