A. Pull Ups 5×5
-add wt or work C2B if needed.
B. W/ a Partner
40 FS (135/105) from the ground
200 DU 1:2 singles
800m run with 1 Med Ball 20/14
A. Strict MU Practice 4×2 (Rings should be set low to ground)
B. W/ a Partner
40 FS (155/125) from the ground
200 DU
800m Run with 1 Med Ball (25/20)
-Results to comments!
A. Negatives 5×5
B. 12:20 with Darcy & Jim – awesome team!
A. Dreaded negatives. Able to do a strick chin up… otherwise not so great on pull ups.
B. 10:10 with Heather. 105# FS. Heather did most of the dubs… but my rhythm was better for those I could pull off tonight, more than usual. 20# WB for the run… no fun 🙂