Wednesday 07302014

Friends and Family Day.  Bring a Friend to any class today!

Jeremy.  Upping the Work out with a hammer.
Jeremy. Upping the Work out with a hammer.


Friends and Family Partner WOD
Buy in 2-lap run
3 rounds –
10 burpee’s
40 air squats
500m Row
Buy out 2 – lap run


Do WOD above with Comrade or on your own.

Assessory Work:

EMOM 20 min
Even 5 bench press
Odd 8-10 GHDs or 30 sec plank

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3 Responses
  1. Susan Kian

    I did my own wierd lil workout. Kept it light and kept moving for 30 minutes or so. Trying to let my back calm down this week. Can’t wait for the rig in the back to be set !

  2. Staci Vinz

    A. OHS: 85(x5)-115(x5)-125(x5)-135(x5)-145(x5)
    B. Gym WOD, but did 20 single are OH KB squats (10R/10L) @ 1 pood each round and did 500m on ski-erg each round.
    100 GHD’s

  3. JennF

    WOD– 20 SINGLE ARM OH KB Squats @ only 10 kg KB. Airdyne and Rowing mixed… Yuck. Didn’t look at the clock.
    Did accessory work. 20 EMOM evens 105# CGBP, odds 30 sec plank for the first 5 rounds, then 10 GHD for the remaining.