Don’t forget about our mobility class at 6:30 pm held in the warehouse space!!!
A. 1 – Clean + 2 – Hang Cleans (above the knee) – EMOM for 8 Mins @ 65%
B. 1 – Push Jerk + 2 – Split Jerks – EMOM for 8 Mins @ 65%
American Swings @ 2 pood/1.5 pood
Air squats
and then…
400M run/500M row
-Post results under comments
Back Squats@225, 245,255,265
Cleans & Jerks@ 140#
WOD w/ row- 5:59 Rx
Used 105 for Cleans and Jerks.
C. 11:13 with 1.5 pood
Fun workout.
C&J’s: 185#
WOD: 9:54 (?)
C&J: 135#
WOD: 11:41Rx
C&J 75#
WOD: 11:29
C&J 135#
WOD: 10:33 1.5 pd
8:47 1pood having to run down Cyndi every single round
Cleans, and Jerks – 1pd for both sets
wod: 1pd for snatches instead of swings, rest rx’d.
I remember being there at 5:30 am but that is about it. 105 / 1.5pood / 10:36??
C&J 55#, WOD: 9:55 felt pretty easy, probably need to up the weight again.
WOD : 11:17 with 1 pood KB
C&J @ 95
WOD 10:58 @ 1.5 pood