Tuesday 08212012


A.  Back Squats – 4 x 3 @ 65% w/60 Sec Rest 

B1.  GHD Sit-ups – 3 x 10 w/60 Sec Rest 

B2.  Weighted Lunges – 3 x 5 (R/L) w/60 Sec Rest 

C.  8 Min AMRAP 

20 x Double-unders 

15 x HR Push-ups 

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11 Responses
  1. Jim Sorum

    morning run: (1:00 on, 1:00 off, 1:00 on, :50 off, 1:00 on, :40 off, 1:00 on, :30 off, 1:00 on, :20 off, 1:00 on, :10 off , 1:00 on) 1.22 miles

    WOD 6+24 Rx

  2. DTrain

    Oky night! My lats were pretty tore up last week so didn’t want to push real hard. Everything felt pretty good. Really like the variety of the CS programming!