-The Lazy Paleo Guy
The WLC has eliminated one of my favorite side dishes of all time…RICE. So recently while shopping for some cheap veggies in the frozen foods I stumbled upon a bag of Cauliflower and thought to myself…”I bet I could make a mean dish of fried rice with this”.
The best part about this dish was how easy everything came together, if you’ve been cooking paleo foods for a while you can adjust this recipe to your flavor.
1 Bag of Frozen Cauliflower
1/2lb of WLC friendly bacon
2 Landjaeger braut
4 eggs “farm fresh!”
1 tbsp of minced garlic
1 tbsp of Cayenne pepper (optional)
1 tsp of paprika
1 tsp of Turmeric
1 tsp of Cumin
1 tbsp of sesame oil
Dash of salt and pepper
1. Microwave the cauliflower for 4-5 minutes, while it’s microwaving chop up the bacon and braut and cook in the frying pan on med-high heat.
2. Take the cauliflower out of the microwave and either use a food processor or chopping board and mince the cauliflower until you get raisin/rice size cauliflower. Throw all of the cauliflower and garlic in the pan with the meat and mix throughly. Turn the heat down to Medium
3. Mix in the rest of the dry ingredients in the frying pan with the meats and cauliflower and mix throughly. Let it continue to cook for 3-4 minutes mixing it occasionally. Add the sesame oil to add that “asianness” to the fried rice as well as the 4 eggs. Scramble and mix the eggs with the rest of the ingredients for 1-2 minutes making sure you don’t burn the eggs. If you want to add any additional vegetables or ingredients do so before you add any of the dry ingredients.
This took me around 20 minutes total time from microwave to my mouth. It’s an easy and incredible dish I guarantee will surprise the heck out of you.
A. Snatch – 5 x 2 TNG w/90 Sec Rest
B. With a partner complete:
200 x Calorie Row
200 x Russian Swings @ 1.5 pood / 1 pood
200 x Double-unders
200 x Push Presses @ 45lb/35lb
Partition reps anyway you want with your partner. All reps must be completed before moving onto the next movement.
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Lonely man’s partner WOD. I do 50, then I do 50 again.
15:10 Rx
Odd man out WOD: (100 calories row, 100 KB swings, 100 DUs, 100 push press) 22:30 Rx weights
Kessa was a great partner but we needed more time than 20 minutes to get through this WOD. Maybe we should have only done a 100 calorie row.
Mobility! Man, I sure need this.
WOD : John and Jeff, 22:50