A.)Strict press
8×7 @ 65% or less
B.) 20 min AMRAP
10 DB Snatch
10 DB or KB lunges
10 Sit-ups
A.) Strict press
8×10 @65% or less
B.) 20 min AMRAP
10 DB Snatch
10 DB or KB lunges
10 T2B
A.) Strict press
10×10 @65% or less
B.) 20 min AMRAP
20 DB Snatch
20 pistols or DB/KB front rack lunges
20 T2B
Fitness: A. strict press with 8kg KB in each hand
B. 12+23 kept weights very low because I am so sore and I have the Monster Dash Saturday
A. 10×10 SP: 35-45-55-65-55-55-55-55-55-55
B. DBS @ 35#, pistols, T2B