The Halloween WOD will be this Saturday from 10am – 11am, there will also be normal class hours at 8am and 9am.

Fitness- Performance
A. Close Grip Bench Press – 4 x 10 w/2-3 Min Rest
B. 20 Min AMRAP w/Partner (You go I go)
150m/100m Row
10 x Wallballs
Each Effort should be all out
A. Close Grip Bench Press – 4 x 10 w/2-3 Min Rest
B. EMOM – 8 Mins
Even – 30 Sec Row @ 1:40/1:55 Pace or faster
Odd – 10 x Push Jerks @ 135lb/95lb
4 Min Rest
EMOM – 8 Mins
Even – 5 x Deadlifts @ 315lb/225lb
Odd – 10 x Cal Row + 3 Burpees
-Post results under comments
A. 95-115-135-135
B. 25rds
A. bench at 65, 65, 75, 75
B. 14.5 rounds with Holly
used today for recovery….. felt good to come and just move
Great partner WOD!
Legs are very fatigued from back squats… Those wall balls were a little more than I bargained for today! Feeling the burn:)
A. 55-60-65-65
B.21 rounds + 100 meters with Lindsey
Over Lunch Hour:
-Ran 3 miles- 23:48; felt good to run.
-Dynamic mobility- with 45# barbell, 3×10 of strict shoulder press, good mornings, front squat, back squat.
-10 min of hip mobility.
A. 135-145-155-145 (10-10-10-5 couldn’t quite get the last round – wow forearms)
B. 8 rounds each (so 16 rounds total) + 100m w/ David, @20# wallball
A. 65, 65, 65, 70
B. 15 rounds +
5:30 pm
A. Bench at 105-105-110-115
B. Sport. Done and happy its over 🙂
Did 4 sets of push jerks unbroken, felt good. The deadlifts weren’t bad. Finished them in about 12-13 seconds each set.
Also, side note, really liked programming today!
A. Not sure the progression but made it to 85# on the last round
B. 16.5 rds with Angela!! 14# WB. Sore legs by the end of this one!!! 160 WB each! Ouch!!
A. Done see Staci for wt.
B. done
Push jerks unbroken…felt tight today. 1:57-1:59 pace
Deadlifts- I don’t feel comfortable doing this movement at a heavy weight at this point..I’m not sure it’s safe and I’d rather be cautious and stick with what is comfortable yet challenging enough.
Cal row: tried to get one cal per stroke if I could. Felt pretty good.
At the Firehouse;
A : 95, 115, 135, 155 + 1 – 3 rep set at 185
B : Did the second EMOM of the sport programming Rx’d,
A. 85-85-85-85
B. Done: PJ UB (finished them in 10-12 secs each round. Weight was light and felt easy). First 8 mins I felt were easy, last 8 min got more hard. Not a lot of rest time between burpees and DL. Back got lit up from DL.
A. 85# x4.
B. Done with Stacy. I think our pace was consistent and fast, lost track of rounds ..did plenty. Kept the row pace between 1:45/500m and 1:55/500m for entire WOD. 14# WB. Good day… to think I almost cherry picked the WOD because of the bench press. Glad I didn’t. Nice programming!
A. 85lbs, 95lbs, 105lbs, 105lbs
B. Done with Qooc. Had a pretty consistent pace, but had trouble remembering round count. I think we ended up doing about 10.5 rounds total (time expired right when I finished my 11th round). Row pace was 1:35-1:40. Played with the damper and am getting the hang of how it changes the speed and load. Wall balls were good, but definitely was what took all the stuffing out of me. Used the 20lber. Focused on keeping knees out which helped both mentally and with form.
Very fun partner workout!
A. 85/90/90/90
B. Pace 1:40-1:45ish felt good, Push Jerks need work. Sets of 4-3-3
Deadlifts weren’t great. 5/1/1/1 not a good day. will work more on them.
A. 95, 115, 135, 135
B. 20 rounds with Derek
Fun partner workout!
A. 95, 95, 85, 85 only got 8 on the last rep.
B. With Paul, 8 + 100m