Week 8 – Session 2 – Thursday 6:30 pm

Cycle 2 – Week 8 – Session 2

Program Intensity – 90%

A.) Front Squat + Push Press + Split Jerk – 7×1

B.) Snatch – 3 Pos dead lift + snatch – 12 minutes  to work up to a heavy single

Clean – 3 Pos dead lift + clean – 12 minutes to work up to a heavy single

– You may have noticed we have done this movement or similar movements the past weeks. We are going to be practicing this drill or similar variations, for the next couple of weeks in order to correct a small technique flaw I am seeing through out most of the gym. Everyone for the most part has gotten the idea of shifting there weight back to there heals, but what is happening is people are dropping there chest instead of keeping parallel to there focal point. Main focus for the next couple of weeks will be “Hips and Chest rise together”.

Front Squats – 4×2 w/ pause

C.) RDL’s – 5×5

Behind neck snatch strict press – 5×5 (light should not hurt! focus on control, grip slightly closer than actual snatch)

Planks – 4 min. hold total


Link of the day – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lFEpP89xQ4 – Please pay close attention to this lifters chest and hips. Notice how the lifter leads the entire time with his chest, as his hips rise at the same time. CHEST UP!!!

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1 Response
  1. bob olson

    A. 95, 115, 115, 135, 135, 155, 155

    B. Snatch- 85/85/95/115
    C. 185/205/225/225
    D. RDL 135
    E. Press 85