This week we have a post from one of our very own Rob Myers! Rob wrote this piece about squatting for submission in the new O-lift magazine. If you ever have a cool story or article related to life at CFP please let us know we’d love to post it!

Why do we squat?
Why do we squat? The bar is heavy, it presses into your traps like the weight of a thousand suns. As you descend every part of your being begs you to lean forward. Past the 90 degree point, the hole; that place where no human ever wants to go. The brief moment in the hole is an eternity: A thousand suns on your back, every fiber of your being telling you to lean forward.
Why do we squat? The rise out of the hole. The glorious satisfaction of ignoring an infinite chorus of voices screaming “LEAN FORWARD!” The defiance of gravity’s pull on those thousand suns. Past the 90 degree point, saying goodbye to that eternal stay in the hole. Nearing the top, pushing the hips through and finishing with a jolt of power the ever so slightly lifts that Atlas crushing mass off your traps.
Why do we squat? Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. The numbers go up but it all feels the same. The bar bends a little more every year but it all feels the same. It takes more trips to the weight pile every year but it all feels the same.
Why do we squat? Year after year, week after week, day after day. We get stronger. The voices aren’t as loud. The suns aren’t as dense. The hole is slowly become a home. The downward bending of the bar creates a bigger and bigger smile on our faces. Every trip to the weight pile is a parade of victories.
Why do we squat? So we can do it again…..
-Rob Myers
Thanks Rob! great piece on squatting mentality!