A. Take 10 Minutes to establish a Heavy Jerk (Front Rack)
B. For total time w/Partner
25 x Burpees (Both Partners)
and then..
16 Rounds of
200M Row (Alternating with your partner)
and then..
25 x Burpees (Both Partners)
C. Habbe Abs
-Post results under comments
WOD: 13:48 solo, 1:1 work/rest on rowing
Just realized that I didn’t rest between my last row and the burpees. Probably would add ~40 sec.
A. Split Jerk – 185# (50# PR!)
B. 4:30 class did individual workout:
– 20x burpees
– 8 rounds of 200m row + 5x burpees each round
– 50 wallballs (@10#)
A. 125# – 60# PR, first time 1RM.
B. 18:49 with Kessa
A: 165#
B: 17:28 with Sherwin
C: Habbe abs 1:28
Actually A: was only 125#, 165# was for the back squat last night.
A. Worked on getting use to split jerking again. Kept it light.
B. 13:59 with Matt doing the Aerodyne.
C. Have abs with 14#
D. Mobility Class– learned I am a supple leopard!!! 🙂
A: 135# jerk, tried to concentrate on form instead of maxing out.
B: 16:45 with Chris – er, I mean Scott Nelson. Note to self, never pair up with Scott again on a rowing WOD. The man is a beast of a rowing machine. Holy Crap! Sorry I held you back, man!
A. 165
B. 13:36 w/Michael Licatino
C. 1:41 w/14lbs med ball
Jerk 110#
WOD with Rachel 17:26
It was a great workout, the last 5 burpees were a killer
A: Jerk @ 115, so close to 125!
B: 18:49 with Patrick!
Jerk: 135# (iffy), no pain thou!!
Wod: w/ Tina 17:28
Then 1mi run to prep for iceman run!!!
Jerk–125#– failed x1, then was scolded by Josey to try again and got it!
WOD: I don’t remember-but worked with Carrie–great partner!!
Habbe abs- 2 min
No jerk, knee is messed up 🙁
20:10 with Steph.
And after ran with the ladies to prep for iceman!