A. In groups of 3-4 Complete Waterfall style:
25 x Calorie Row
30 x Burpees on 25lb plate
35 x Push Presses @ 95lb/65lb (Advance 115lb/85lb)
40 x Jumping Pull-ups (Advance 40 CTB)
45 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
50 x Double-unders or 100 singles (Advance UB)
2011 Regional Rules/Template for final Team Chipper
-Post results under comments
Shawn & Shanna: 18 something (advanced) C2B was pretty slow for both of us, DAMNIT!!!
WOD: 11:34 Rx. Completely gassed out by the wallballs.
With Tim, Malachi and Mark. Push press snuck up on me, but i was able to do the double unders in two sets. No idea on time because I was wiped.
Wod with staci 15:06 great job today staci! I lost paper rock scissors so had to start 😉
WOD with Kristy. 15:06. Better luck next time on rock, paper, scissors! :). GREAT job on the WOD!!!!
Wod: w/ Kelle, Kari & myself : 16:26…? I can’t remember
Un altered for them, altered for me. Good team wod, and group support tonight!!
Mobility class