Just a reminder, Halloween workout will start at 10 am this Saturday!
A. Power Clean + Hang Clean + Push Jerk @ 65%-75% Every 40 Seconds for 6 Mins (10 Reps)
B. Power Elizabeth
Power Cleans @ 135lb/95lb
Ring Dips
C. 3 x Plank holds w/Medball x 1 Min
-Post results under comments
WOD: 5:13 60# and did box dips.
Push Press @ 185×2
T2B/Ring Dip: 7:41
WOD:6:23 55# and bench dips
5:50 w/ box dips
endurance WOD: 6X250m w/1:00 rest then 6X500m w/1:30 rest (:51,:51,:50,:53,:52,:51/ 1:49,1:51,1:50,1:51,1:54,1:52)
CFP WOD: A. 95lbs
B. 8:20 @105lbs
Thanks Addison for the correction on the ring dips. Even though it sounds backwards and slowed me way down I will work on it
A. 75#
B. 5:25 @ 75#, push ups
3 of my favs with the power/hang cleans & push jerks
#85 part A
WOD 7:02 RX weight and Red Band Ring Dips
I liked this workout, felt good
A. 105#
B. 8:01@95#,blue band
WOD: 6:23 @ 75# and using a band for bar dips. I hope someday I’m strong enough for ring dips!
I liked the clean complex beforehand too!
A. @ 115#
B. 7:34 @ 95#, skinny red band dips. My chicken wings were giving out on the ring dips.
55 lb 6:34
A. 135 lbs
B. 7:08 Rx
WOD : 7:04 @ 75# and some ring dips but mostly red band ring dips
WOD: 6:38 @ 55# and dips on the parallel bars with green band. Also modified: 21-9-6
Did the workout Sat @ the Dan
Approx 9 min.
Hanging Cleans @ 55lb (I think) used a short barbell. And tricep dips.