Saturday 03222014


All Levels

A.  Back Squat – 4 x 2 w/3 Min Rest


2K Row

50 x Air Squats

50 x Russian Swings

50 x Sit-ups

50 x BB Push Press @ 45lb/35lb

-Post results under comments  

4 Responses
  1. Sara J

    A. front squats 4×5……. 125-135-155-155
    B. AFAP 3 RDS……. 19:38
    250 M row
    50 squats
    40 DUs
    30 Sit ups
    20 KB swings
    10 burpees

  2. Jen

    A. Back Squat – 4 x 2 w/3 Min Rest: 115- 125-135- 145×1 (PR)

    B. AFAP: 16:38

    2K Row

    50 x Air Squats

    50 x Russian Swings @ 35lb

    50 x Sit-ups

    50 x BB Push Press @ 35lb

  3. Susan Kian

    Did 14.4 at noon with Logan as my judge. 164. Longest 50 toes to bar ever!!! 164. Survived. Great job to everyone today 🙂

  4. Lindsey G

    A. 140, 145, 145, 150 (failed 2nd rep)
    B. 16:48
    2k row
    50 air squats
    50 sit ups
    50 russian swings (yellow bell)
    50 BB PP (35#)

    I liked this WOD!