Saturday 04052014


All Levels 

A.  Deadlift – 5 x 5 w/3 Min Rest

(Moderate/Heavy – Perfect form)  


1000M Row


5 Rounds

15 x Pull-ups 

10 x Burpees

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6 Responses
  1. Lindsey G

    A. 115, 135, 145, 145, 155 (went lighter, but really focused on form/technique)
    B. 15:52…those pull ups were tough. I don’t think I’ve been practicing them enough. You know you’re struggling with a movement when you look forward to the burpees!

  2. Staci Vinz

    A. Done
    B. Done @ 95# (according to Shawn, it was way to light).
    C. Done @ 210#, 12 GHD’s
    D. Done with ring rows, 44#KB for front rack lunges, 1 pood for OHS
    E. 5 rounds:
    Down and back Yolk carries @ 315#
    10 x 45# DB Snatches
    15 x GHD’s
    *runs back and forth across parking lot while partner completed work above.*
    **Great Saturday workout sessions!!!**