A. CrossFit Open WOD 12.3 18 Minute AMRAP 15 x Box Jumps 12 x Push Press 9 x Toes to Bar Game standards will be explained during class. -Post results under comments
Mike Ganrude March 9, 2012 at 10:06 am 5:30am 12.3 open WOD 8 rounds + 6 box jumps Rx (mostly one legged box jumps with step down due to knee injury)
12.3 at 5:30am = UFFDA!
5 Rounds + 15 Box Jumps + 8 PP rx
5:30am 12.3 open WOD
8 rounds + 6 box jumps Rx (mostly one legged box jumps with step down due to knee injury)
5 + 10
8 rounds: GImp style RX’d