
Paul claims sheer luck is to blame for his introduction to CrossFit.  If you ask us, we’re the lucky ones.  It’s members like Paul that make CFP special.  Read on to find out how this engineer by day adds value to his own life and other’s lives around him.   What do you do for a living?  I am a software engineer at IBM. What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym?  Music.  I play saxophone and keyboard in two bands and play handbell choirs at church. Favorite genre of music?  Hard to put into one category of what I listen to but my favorite thing to play is jazz/big band music. Favorite cheat day meal?  After learning how to cook and eat primarily paleo I really enjoy good, well made paleo dishes, but when I cheat I love to have a loaded up pasta dish with garlic toast. Chalk or...
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Function: A.) Back Squats 5×10 B.) 18 min AMRAP 15 KB Swings (1.5/1) 12 Goblet Squat 9 HR Push-ups Perform/RX: A.) Back Squats 5×10 B.) 18 min AMRAP 15 KB Swings (1.5/1) 12 OHS (95/65) 9 HSPU Compete: A.) Back Squats 5×10 B.) 18 min AMRAP 15 KB Swings (2/1.5) 12 OHS (115/75) 9 HSPU  
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Function: A.) KB Clean and Jerk Progression one arm swing Clean Jerk B.) For time: 25 Dips 25 Pull-ups 25 Double KB Thrusters 25 Double KB Swings 800 m run Perform/RX A.) Clean and Jerk Top Down Progression  B.) For time: 25 Dips 25 Pull-ups 25 Thrusters (95/65) 25 Hang Power Cleans (95/65) 800 m run Compete: A.) Clean and Jerk POS 1 Clean and Jerk 5×3 B.) For time: 20 Muscle-ups 30 Thrusters (135/95) 40 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) 800 m run  
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With the recent addition of Beyond the White Board to CFP we all now have yet another tool to track all of our wildest fitness and lifestyle goals. Even if you haven’t started fully using BTWB yet I’m sure at some point you have wrote down your workouts, or taken a picture of your daily results to remember an awesome lift or WOD time. It’s like running a life experiment on yourself! What if you could do that with other things in your life? I tried this and started with my personal finances. Within a few months I quickly started to see a difference, I knew where my money was! Imagine if you tracked other things such as how many hours of sleep you got each night, how you felt on a daily basis, what you ate for breakfast, or every time that you put gasoline in your car! The...
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Function/Kettlebell: A.) KB Snatch One arm swing One arm High pull Snatch B.) For time: 4-8-12-16-20 DB/KB Snatch 50 Single Unders after each set Buyout 50 sit-ups Perform/RX: A.) Snatch Top Down Progression POS1 POS2 POS3 B.) For time: 3-6-9-12-15 Power Snatch (75/55) 30 DU after each set Buyout 50 sit-ups Compete: A.) Snatch POS 1 Snatch 5×5   B.) For time: 3-6-9-12-15 Power Snatch (135/85) 50 DU after each set Buyout 50 GHD’s
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