Grip strength comes into play in almost all WOD’s and quite often in our daily lives. Therefore, it’s an important part of functional fitness that shouldn’t be ignored. Here are a few ways to improve your grip strength. Farmer Carry Grab two kettle bells, (one for each hand) and complete 5 rounds of 100 meter walks. Keep these tips in mind. Start with (Male: 70#/Female: 53#) kettle bells. Walk, don’t run. Keep your shoulders back. Look forward, not down. Most importantly, hold on! Plate Pinch Flip Choose a light (rubber) plate, start with a 10# plate. Complete 3 sets of 10 “flips” per hand. Flip the (rubber) plate once into the air. Catch it between your thumb and fingers. Specialty Pull Ups This is a matter of simply working on your strict pull ups with a specific grip. Concentrate on wrapping your thumbs around the bar while performing your pull ups. For some...
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