
As a business in Rochester, Minnesota, we must follow the governor’s order for wearing masks while working out in our facility. How has that affected our members? And our business? I requested feedback from Progression Fitness members; in total, I received communication from around 50 people.   In summary, no one has found that masks have made their life easier. No big surprise here.   About half of the people who have contacted me have adapted to the change and can workout, but not at previous levels. The vast majority of these people have tried multiple masks and have continued to attend class at the gym.  About a quarter of the people have tried multiple masks, continue to attend, and have not had much success.   The rest, about 25%, tried once or a few times and could not make it work. Most of these people have asthma. There is also a group...
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The first full week of the year 2021 is gone. A great time to dig deep into your reason for being. Why do you do the things you do? Why do you go to work? Why do you stay at home with the kids? Why do you go to the gym? Why do you not go to the gym? Why are you concerned about your health? Why are you not worried about your health? These questions are very different for all of us. The answer for most people to any of these questions is family or friends. It usually takes me asking why three times to get to a loved one. After I ask why four or five times, I usually get a name. If I get a name, I know I can then start to set goals with the person. Until then, they are not honest with themselves or...
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So you want to join a gym. Here is the best way.  Figure out what you want. Take some time with this one. We can help you figure out what you want when we meet with you. Most gyms can’t. Most gyms will show you the place and then try to get your payment info.   Visit a few places when looking for a gym. You are going to need to see the gym. Calling the gyms for pricing is similar to buying a used car over the phone. Never a good idea.  Research what different types of gyms typically cost. 24/7 gyms are priced very differently than coached class gyms. Refer to number one, what do you want in a gym? Know what that type of service costs.  Access only gyms range from $29 to around $100 a month. Why the big range? See the gym and find out. Picking the $29...
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We are living in an odd time. We are burned out by everything we see 24/7 on our phones, and Covid has worn us down to the point of not caring anymore.   We need a coach now more than ever. A coach who is not just a cheerleader at the gym, but a coach who has the skills to do the other things that matter to help you stay healthy and make progress.   Our goal at Progression is to put the Happy back into your day. Spend an hour away from your phone, away from the issues outside the gym.   Here are some of the ways we do this. 1. Accountability— We care about you showing up at the gym, but also what you are doing at the gym. “What did you back squat last week? How about we try 5 more lbs today. Or “Hey, you look a little...
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Personal Training Room At Progression Fitness in Rochester MN Personal Training. The single most effective way of getting to your goals as fast as possible. Personal training is the Ferrari of fitness training. Group classes would be your Cadillac, and pay to walk in the door gyms would be your Fords.   Now I drive Fords. Cars to me are for getting me from point A to point B safely and cost-effectively. I would love a Ferrari, but it doesn’t make sense for my needs. I have also had success with Fords.         If you have struggled with your fitness and health goals in the past, hiring a personal trainer may be just the Ferrari you need to speed up and assure your success.  Why should you hire a Personal Trainer in Rochester, MN? Here are three reasons.   A Personal Trainer speeds up the results curve. Unless you have...
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