
Announcements: The Halloween WOD will be this Saturday from 10am – 11am, there will also be normal class hours at 8am and 9am. Fitness – Performance  A.  Take 20 Minutes to work up to a heavy 3 rep Back Squat B.  AFAP  1000M Row  70 x Sit-ups  60 x HR Push-ups  50 x Walking Lunges  40 x Box Jumps  30 x HSPU  20 x Burpees  Halloween WOD  In Teams of 4  Partition as needed  20M <-> x 2 (Each Team Member)  120 x Cal Row  20M <-> x 2 (Each Team Member)  120 x Wallballs  20M <-> x 2 (Each Team Member)  120 x Russian Swings  20M <-> x 2 (Each Team Member)  120 x Box Jumps w/Step down  -Post results under comments  
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If you happen to have been following the weightlifting world as of recently you may have noticed that the 2013 Weightlifting World Championships are going on right now in Poland. If you have been following it even closer on sites like you also may have noticed that all the Chinese seem to do is break world records.   Why is this? If you watch the Chinese compared to any other lifter you may notice one slight difference, the Chinese move better than anyone else on the platform. If you only compare the Chinese weightlifters to each other you will notice slight variations in each of their techniques (Or in Lu Xiaojun’s case a huge technical difference where he squat Jerked 204 kg’s to win this year’s 77kg world title). NOTE: The squat Jerk while very fast is usually not as consistant of a movement as the split jerk. Google...
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Programming – Cycle 1 – Week 1 – Session 5 Intensity – 80% A.) Front Squat – Heavy 1 rep w/ pause – 7-10 lifts (challange 1 rep CandJ max weight)   B.) Snatch – 1 rep @ 80% – Pulls – 3×3   CandJ – 1 rep @ 80% – Pulls – 3×3   GM’s – 3×10 C.) Core Mobility Question of the day – What is your favorite accessory movement besides squats?
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Announcements: The Halloween WOD will be this Saturday from 10am – 11am, there will also be normal class hours at 8am and 9am. Fitness A.  Every 75 Secs for 5 Sets 10 x Russian Swings 10 x Planks – Palm to Elbow B.  5 Min AMRAP 5 x Strict Pull-ups 10 x Goblet Squats 30 x Double-unders 4 Min Rest 5 Min AMRAP 10 x Russian Swings 10 x Air Squats 30 x Double-unders Performance A.  Every 75 Secs for 5 Sets 1 x Clean Deadlift + Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk B.  5 Min AMRAP 10 x Kipping Pull-ups 10 x OHS @ 95lb/65lb 30 x Double-unders 4 Min Rest 5 Min AMRAP 10 x Hang Power Cleans @ 95lb/65lb 10 x Front Rack Lunges @ 95lb/65lb 30 x Double-unders Sport A.  Every 75 Secs for 5 Sets 6 x TNG Power Clean + Jerk B.  5 Min...
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