Rev Olympics Workout 2 “Never Skip A Leg Day” Happy Thursday, All. It’s time for the announcement of workout 2. But first, our spotlight sponsor this week is Todd Severson and TLS Companies. Here is a word from TLS. TLS Companies is a Commercial Contracting firm that provides services on Development, Contracting and/or Consulting. Please contact Todd Severson at
[email protected] or 507-208-0679″ Thank you, Todd! With no further ado, Workout 2 is… “Never Skip A Leg Day” A 20-minute Partner AMRAP AMRAP Increasing Reps You Go, I Go by Movement 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on. As high as you can get in 20 minutes. Wall Ball (10lb Most Women/20lb Most Men) Weighted DB Box Step up (10lb Most Women/20lb Most Men) Kettlebell Deadlift (1 Pood Most Women/1.5 Pood Most Men KB) Score = The highest round completed plus the total number of reps completed from...
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