
Let’s talk about the F in CFP. Your fitness is the most important thing in your life.  It is more important than your job.  It is more important than your family. Most people find that line of thinking shocking.  Until they think about it.  Without your health, which in our definition is fitness.  You can not fulfill your role as parent, spouse, friend, or employee.   It is very hard to provide and care for your family when you are unhealthy or most obviously when you are dead. Not the most pleasant things to think about, but now in my forties, as my friends and family ages,  life and daily choices are really starting to show.  Chronic disease has set in, the side effects of obesity are apparent, things they once could do with ease are now a struggle or not an option. The old adage of “Well I can’t do...
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Jo Lynn has such a great outlook on long-term health and fitness that I know you can relate to.  Read on to get to know Jo Lynn Hovde! What do you do for a living? I am an RN at OMC working in the ER and also work there as a supervisor.  What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym? I like playing softball, water sports, and being outside and finding new adventures. What made you decide to try Progression? I was a member at another CrossFit gym but I wanted more then what they could offer, it was closer to my home and a friend went their and recommended it. How long have you been at CFP? Since January 2017. What was your experience with fitness like prior to Progression? At a regular gym I would do mostly cardio, I had no clue what I was doing with weights so I didn’t do much with them plus there was no accountability. Once...
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My name is Kate DeVinny.  I’ve been a member of progression for about 3 years at the encouragement of my daughter and son in law, who are members.   I’ve participated in the WLC that the gym has offered a number of times.  This has been quite successful for me but i found that it was successful only when i was participating in it and not between sessions.  With this in mind, I decided to check into the nutrition coaching offered by the gym.   From the start I was impressed by the knowledge and willingness of the coaches to help me along as i began this journey.  I quickly learned about macros and when/what to eat related to my work outs. I was inundated with recipes, blogs and help from the coaches. I was excited to start with the coaching and felt i was doing everything the way it...
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