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Do you need to work on those double-unders? Come join us with World Champion Molly Metz for a two hour Double-under seminar to help you successfully get those Double-unders!
Date: Sunday, February 16
Time: 9:30am – 11:30am
Click HERE to Register
Limited to 30

A. EMOM – 8 Mins
5 x Thrusters (Rack)
B. EMOM – 5 Mins
10 x Russian Swings
30 x Wallballs
10 x Deadlifts (Light)
A. EMOM – 8 Mins
5 x TNG Power Clean + Push Jerks @ 135lb/95lb
B. EMOM – 5 Mins
3 x Front Squats -Ground (Moderately Heavy)
C. 3 Rounds AFAP
30 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
10 x Power Snatches @ 95lb/65lb
10 Min Cap
A. EMOM – 8 Mins
5 x TNG Power Clean + Push Jerks @ 155lb/105lb
B. EMOM – 5 Mins
3 x Front Squats -Ground @ 225lb/145lb
C. 3 Rounds AFAP
30 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
10 x Power Snatches @ 115lb/85lb
10 Min Cap
-Post results under comments
A. 65# first two rounds, then 55# – this was HARD.
B. 65, 65, 75, 75, 85
C. 6:01 (10# Wallball, 75# Deadlifts)
A. 65#
B. 85#
C.8:26 Power Snatch @ 45#
A. I did 85# (I thought that was what was on the white board??) Probably a good thing.
B. 105-110-115-115-120
C. 8:14RX Performance.
A. Rough start.. Had 3 rounds of 3+2, and 1 round of 2+2+1, but the rest were TNG.
B. Done at 145. Felt fine.
C. 7:39 Really struggled with snatches today.
A. 85#
B. 95# ( just noticed it said moderately heavy. Need to pay closer attention).
C. 6:49 RX whew, those dang wall balls!!!
A. 85# started with squat cleans but switched to power cleans.
B. 65 up to 85#. Whimped out a little knowing all those WB were coming up.
C. 14# WB and 65# snatch. 6:53. Had to break up the 2nd and 3rd round of WBs.
A. @ 105 (all sets TNG UB)
B. @ 145 (felt fine. Could of probably added weight, but legs pretty beat up from this week).
C. 7:47 Rx (not feeling the snatches today. Rested to long and took too many breaks. Weak mental day today. Really feeling beat up after this weeks programming).
Tabata abmat sit-ups
A. @ 115
B. @ 125, 125, 135, 145, 155
C. 9:00, 75lbs for snatches.
Good workout….good week!. Liked this weeks programming.
A. 75# thrusters.
C. 9:08 with a 10# wall ball and 145# DLs
A. 95# 5pp+5 sumo deadlifts
B. front squat 95×5-105×5-115×3-115×5-115×6
Wod 30 WB to bullseye
10 dumbbell snatches 30 lbs
After wod 10 dips, 20 more dumbbell snatches….
I liked the dumbbell snatches but I didn’t feel tired at the end…perhaps I needed to do more per set or a heavier weight.
5 min bike
A: Did most at 95#
B: 95#
C. 20# WB and snatch at 65#. Good workout 7:30
A. @115# – this was a lot harder than it looked on paper.
B. @135# – should have tried to increase weight but was worn out after the first part.
C. 9:30, @20# wallballs, 75# snatches.
This certainly seemed like a good open prep workout – bring on the endless wallballs!