A. Snatch Review
B1. 10 Minute AMRAP:
10 x Hang Power Snatches @ 45lb/65lb
10 x Burpees
10 x Hollow Rocks
B2. Open Athletes only, 10 Minute AMRAP:
30 x Snatches @ 75lb/45lb
30 x Snatches @ 135lb/75lb
30 x Snatches @ 165lb/100lb
As many snatches for the rest of the period @ 210lb/120lb
-Post results under comments
32 snatches with 2 rep PR at 135
Open WOD= 35 reps
WOD #2: 10 minutes, Death By… Pull ups, HSPU’s, sit ups= 10 rounds
Open Wod 12.2 – 43Rx
Open WOD 31
Alt WOD = 5 rounds +1
Open wod. 46 reps Rx.
Open WOD 12.2 – 40
Open- 43 🙂 (that’s 13 at my 1rep max)
Open WOD 30