Fitness – Performance – Sport
CF Open WOD 13.2
10 Min AMRAP
5 x Shoulder to Overhead
10 x Deadlifts
15 x Box Jumps (Step ups/downs are allowed)
Rx Men/Women – 115lb/75lb – 24inch/20inch
Master Men/Women 55+ – 95lb/55lb – 20inch/20inch
For Rules and Movement standards follow this link
-Post results under comments
First time at 5:30am class…. oofta that’s early LOL
149, visiting a box in Florida while on vacay! 0600 is very early when vacationing. Still fun challenge.
167 – 65# and 16″ box jump. Having trouble with a knee, so did a lower box jump.
174 – Had to do 45# on shoulder to overhead due to my shoulder. Did 75# on deadlifts and did 16″ box jump. I jumped for first 2 rounds then did step ups until last round I jumped. I wonder if I should have just done step ups on 20″??? Got a great workout though!
245. Did box jumps the first round and then realized that step ups took the same amount of time but require less work. I’m pretty confident that decision helped me out.
195, my goal was 200, guess that’s close enough
Can’t recall score barely 200s?? Shins got huge bite on the box!! When I biffed it big time!! Gonna redo this if I can walk still!
6.5 k recovery row
Nice work guys fun to watch!
249. There was no “jump” in my box jump. Quad burner.
303……lung burner!!! Channeled my inner Jane Fonda on this one! 🙂