Fitness – Performance – Sport
A. Open WOD 13.5
15 x Thrusters @ 100lb/65lb Masters @ 65lb/45lb
15 x CTB Pull-ups, Masters women Jumping CTB
-4 Min bonus for every 90 reps completed.
C. AFAP (Time permitting)
21 x Burpees
42 x Double-unders
15 x Burpees
30 x Double-unders
9 x Burpees
18 x Double-unders
Optional Accessory
Muscular Endurance/Strength
A. Incline Bench – 3 x 12
B. Upright Row – 3 x ME
C. Strict Pull-ups – 3 x 10
-Post results under comments
49 Open standards. Struggled more on chest to bars than I expected and as much (a lot) on the thrusters
89! Dang… Redo…Next year!
20 – thanks to Josh & Matt for the heads up on using the reverse grip on C2B, otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten any!
Actually enjoyed the “extra” WOD burpees today too 🙂
* Good bye open 2013, we will meet again next year for another ass kicking*