Friday 04132012


A.  Chelsea 

EMOM for 30 Minutes 

5 x Pull-ups 

10 x Push-ups 

15 x Air Squats

If you’re unable to complete the entire work set before the time expires, wait until the next minute to restart the work set.  Scale accordingly. 

-Post results under comments  

19 Responses
  1. Jen Brickley

    OMG that was rough! 25 rounds, green band pullups, started with girl pushups and ended with using the roller for help. I had trouble drying my hair after that, lol. 🙂

  2. Chelsea: 25 rounds.
    pullups: 5 rounds unassisted, 20 with blue band
    push ups: scaled final 5 rounds
    squats were fine. I was surprised with my complete muscle fatigue and failure on some of the last push ups. Excellent wod!

  3. Steve Vinz

    WOD: 20 rounds. Pullups with the red band. Push-ups got me in the end. Squats were fine. My shoulders are on fire.
    4 X 15 back extensions.
    Great workout!

  4. Laura S

    10 rounds in the first 10 min. 22 total rounds. Had to scale the push-ups after the second round – damn push-ups. But was glad I got all 22 sets of unscaled pull-ups 🙂

  5. xfjosh

    30 Scaled down to 3-6-9, then up to 4-7-10 around 20min, then up to 5-8-11 around 25min. Jumping PUs.

  6. Mike Ganrude

    Modified WOD
    5 pull ups
    10 push ups
    Alternated between 10 situps, 5 burpees, 10 toes to bar

    30 rounds
    Did entire workout unbroken
    (Hands are killing me!! 4 rips)