A. Max Effort Box Jump
You may not take any steps to achieve your box jump.
B. Wittman
7 Rounds AFAP:
15 x Kettlebell Swings @ 1.5 pood/ 1 pood “American Style Rx’d”
15 x Power Cleans @ 95lb/65lb
15 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch
7 Rounds @ 75% Effort
15 x Russian Swings
15 x Sit-ups
200M Row at 75%effort
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Another good workout today….kinda tired though.
WOD: 20:31????, I can’t remember for sure.
7 rounds….15 X KB swings -1 pood (2 rounds American, 5 rounds Russian), 15 X power cleans (2 rounds X 65 lbs, 5 rounds X 45 lbs), 200M row @ 100% effort
4 X 15 back extensions.
Double under work….getting better at a snails pace.
WOD: 17:02
Did sit ups in place of box jumps.
65# power cleans (they felt really good and strong today).
Kb swings felt light, but forearms took a shit after the first few rounds.
17:20 modified – sore after the week.
Oly Lift – Snatches, Clean & Jerk, Hang Squat Snatch
WOD Recovery – 12:36….CF 5 days in row! Right shoulder’s definitely sore. I might need to lay off of it next week.
WOD 23:38
didn’t think I would finish but was able to.
Box jump: 36in, wanted to do more, legs still tight. Next time
Wiitmann wod:17:53rx cleans went to crap near end with and ugly clean. But not bad after night shift.
did the recovery wod due to the knee. thanks to Shawn for running the Progression room. Went light on the KB- 26#. 13:16. Good stuff.
Did wittman but substituted row for cleans and did 3 rds American and 4 rds russian kbs due to a sore back…15:03.