A small pre-order will be available through May 20th at $45.00. Normal retail for this hoodie will be $55.00. These are unisex and run a little small, so definitely order one size up. Can be ordered in XS – XXL(+$5) Place your order by following this link
A. Push Press – 5 x 2
800M Run
40 x Push Presses
40 x Pull-ups
40 x Squats
A. Push Press + Push Jerk – Work up to a heavy load
800M Run
100 x Double-unders
50 x Push Presses @ 95lb/65lb
50 x Pull-ups or 75 Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood (Only if you attended Thursdays class)
50 x OHS @ 95lb/65lb
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
1-3 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups
800M Run
100 x Double-unders
50 x HSPU (Regional standards)
40 x T2B
30 x STO @ 165lb/100lb
20 x Cal Row
-Post results under comments
20 min capped out at 24 OHS Rx’d. I thought that was going to be hard but it was much much worse
Those DU killed me… Hit 50 DUs then was going to go to singles, but Josh had us move onto the push press (which also seemed really hard for me this morning)
OHS was tough on my wrists… Definitely going to purchase some wrist wraps!!!!!
A.) 175#
B.) 19:08, back the overhead squats off to 85# during the WOD.
A: worked on bar muscle ups. Got em!! Thanks Shawn for having me work on them.
B: 22:30
35# push press
Green band PU – 1st time doing these!
A. 265. Got the push press at 275, but missed the push jerk (couldn’t lock it out)
B. 20:24…did singles for rope, otherwise rx’ed the rest. Pull ups were tough on the grip.
A. Worked up to 100# push press.
B. 16:56 Fitness, 45# for push press, ring rows, and air squats.
A. Worked up to 135# for the push press and jerk
B. 21:08. Got up to 250 singles then 65# push press. Green band for pull ups and 55# for OHS.
16:56 – just what I needed after a long week!
CFP strength at 11
125 missed the jerk.
Singles and blue band for the WOD… Probably got to 270 some of the singles before josh made us switch. Pull-ups killed me, but used blue band all the way through and had good depth on the OHS using 65#… Great workout even though I finish 24+ mins.