Dead lifts: 95/145/145/145/145
WOD: 17:03. Almost Rx. 1 pood KB, 20in box but did step ups after first round.
The WOD was hard when I think the run was the best part…that’s just wrong.
WOD 15:45 With Blue KB
Dead lifts: 135-185-225-245-245
Jim Sorum
Not a good deadlift, so did a couple sets and called it quits.
WOD: 13:55 Rx’d
Deadlift 85, 135, 185, 185, 185
WOD: 16:18 It sucked….in the best way possible.
Just mobility work and a 2k row. Lynne really abused me.
WOD – 14:19 Rx Great WOD and I am just glad I didn’t get heat stroked running in a 92 degree weather.
Deadlift – 5×5 at 185. Need to work on form.
WOD – 16:42. Blue KB. Fun workout….heat was killer.
Dead lifts: 95/145/145/145/145
WOD: 17:03. Almost Rx. 1 pood KB, 20in box but did step ups after first round.
The WOD was hard when I think the run was the best part…that’s just wrong.
WOD 15:45 With Blue KB
Dead lifts: 135-185-225-245-245
Not a good deadlift, so did a couple sets and called it quits.
WOD: 13:55 Rx’d
Deadlift 85, 135, 185, 185, 185
WOD: 16:18 It sucked….in the best way possible.
Just mobility work and a 2k row. Lynne really abused me.
WOD – 14:19 Rx Great WOD and I am just glad I didn’t get heat stroked running in a 92 degree weather.
Deadlift – 5×5 at 185. Need to work on form.
WOD – 16:42. Blue KB. Fun workout….heat was killer.
Deadlift 135-135-155-185-185
WOD 14:50 1.5pood KB / 20in
deadlift at 125, wod at 12:21 with rowing, 1 pood kb, and 20# ball slams