Friday 05182012

CFP Ladies

A.  Deadlifts – 5 x 5 w/2 Min Rest 

B.  5 Rounds AFAP

200M Run 

20 x Russian Swings 

10 x Burpee Box Jumps 

C1.  3 x 15 – Back Extensions 

C2.  3 x 20 – Lying Leg Raises 

-Post results under comments  

9 Responses
  1. Amy

    Dead lifts: 95/145/145/145/145
    WOD: 17:03. Almost Rx. 1 pood KB, 20in box but did step ups after first round.
    The WOD was hard when I think the run was the best part…that’s just wrong.

  2. kitgat

    WOD – 14:19 Rx Great WOD and I am just glad I didn’t get heat stroked running in a 92 degree weather.

  3. bryanakervik

    Deadlift – 5×5 at 185. Need to work on form.
    WOD – 16:42. Blue KB. Fun workout….heat was killer.