A. Thrusters – 4 x 5 w/90 Sec Rest
B. In Groups of 3-4 Complete
200M Run (Together)
200 x Pull-ups
200M Run (Together)
200 x Thrusters @ 65lb/45lb
200M Run (Together)
Everyone in your group must be present before moving onto the next movement.
-Post results under comments
words can not describe… 🙂
Good, but I think sideburns to the mustache would be epic.
……just dont get it wet or feed it after midnight.
…from previous discussion ”every rep, every PR is infused in the fibers”. It’s modern day Sampson, you just don’t cut it.
looks better now than it did before; long beards should be accompanied by long hair though.
Thrusters: 95, 135, 185, 205 (4X5)
WOD: with Chris, Jason, & Jeremy-18:14 (nice work this morning guys)
Did the WOD with Travis and Mandy, I think we landed at 17:4x.
I think Nic’s got a lot of potential for rocking the mutton chops, Wolverine-style.
Did workout with Ben & Mike H and had great time
As far as the beard, when he gets to ZZ top standards we can talk
Team of One:
WOD: I forgot to time from the beginning g but is was probably 11-12 mins. 50 pull ups, 30 Thrusters – only had a 45 bar.
Its an interesting coincidence that there is a beard and mustache convention(http://www.worldbeardchampionships.com) on the same weekend as a powerlifting, bench press and deadlifting competition (http://www.powerliftingwatch.com/powerlifting-meets/ipl/2012/worlds), both in Las Vegas, and practically nextdoor to eachother in November this year. I think Nic could compete in both while wearing a singlet. Just sayin!
Team 4:30 was awesome!! we did the WOD in 17:28. Thrusters are tough for me. 4 sets progressing from 35# to 65#. Someday I’ll get to 100#s.
I like the neatly trimmed beard. And love the reddish tint.
Yeah team 4:30 🙂 Nice job Cally, Jaclyn and Will!
I’m a personal fan of facial hair, so I’m gonna vote positively on the beard. Makes you look wise – maybe nobody will know you’re just a baby…
teamed with Cyndi, Jeff and Scott N. 15:05- awesome job guys!! I did 200 m row, 45# push press, and blue and red band pull ups.
nic needs to shave the beard, but keep the mustache, and grow it out so he has a handle bar mustache like the old time boxers. That would look sweet:)
I think trimmed up some to match the shorter hair. I’ve always kinda liked the goatees.