Friday 05252012

What are your thoughts on Nic’s beard?… good …bad….or ugly? … please post under comments

A.  Thrusters – 4 x 5 w/90 Sec Rest 

B.  In Groups of 3-4 Complete 

200M Run (Together) 

200 x Pull-ups 

200M Run (Together) 

200 x Thrusters @ 65lb/45lb 

200M Run (Together)  

Everyone in your group must be present before moving onto the next movement.  

-Post results under comments  

14 Responses
  1. …from previous discussion ‎”every rep, every PR is infused in the fibers”. It’s modern day Sampson, you just don’t cut it.

  2. Shawn

    looks better now than it did before; long beards should be accompanied by long hair though.
    Thrusters: 95, 135, 185, 205 (4X5)
    WOD: with Chris, Jason, & Jeremy-18:14 (nice work this morning guys)

  3. Nate

    Did the WOD with Travis and Mandy, I think we landed at 17:4x.

    I think Nic’s got a lot of potential for rocking the mutton chops, Wolverine-style.

  4. Jim Sorum

    Did workout with Ben & Mike H and had great time

    As far as the beard, when he gets to ZZ top standards we can talk

  5. Amy

    Team of One:
    WOD: I forgot to time from the beginning g but is was probably 11-12 mins. 50 pull ups, 30 Thrusters – only had a 45 bar.

  6. Cally Vinz

    Team 4:30 was awesome!! we did the WOD in 17:28. Thrusters are tough for me. 4 sets progressing from 35# to 65#. Someday I’ll get to 100#s.

    I like the neatly trimmed beard. And love the reddish tint.

  7. Stephanie

    Yeah team 4:30 🙂 Nice job Cally, Jaclyn and Will!

    I’m a personal fan of facial hair, so I’m gonna vote positively on the beard. Makes you look wise – maybe nobody will know you’re just a baby…

  8. jen

    teamed with Cyndi, Jeff and Scott N. 15:05- awesome job guys!! I did 200 m row, 45# push press, and blue and red band pull ups.

  9. jeff

    nic needs to shave the beard, but keep the mustache, and grow it out so he has a handle bar mustache like the old time boxers. That would look sweet:)