A1. Power Snatch – 5 x 3 w/2 Min Rest
Optional Squat Cycle
A2. Back Squat – 8 x 3 @ 80% w/2 Min Rest
If you aren’t planning on attending Saturdays classes but would like to stick to the back squat cycle, perform the back squat cycle in place of the Power Snatches.
B. Angie
100 x Pull-ups
100 x Push-ups
100 x Sit-ups
100 x Squats
Substitute 100 x Russian Kettlebell Swings for the Squats if you performed the back squat cycle or if you’re legs are fatigued.
-Post results under comments
BS 8×3 120 lb
WOD: 50 pullups-green band, 50 band assisted pushups, 100 situps, 100-44lb Russian kb swings 13:40
LOVED IT! My arms are still shaking.
BS 8×3 165
WOD:50 PU green band,50 pushups,100 situps,100 kb swings 1pd
My pullups are terrible definitely need to improve those
BS 8×3 @ 235
WOD Once through @50 reps. Jumping PUs @9:40
Second time through @25 reps. @15:40
Total of 75 reps.
Angie-15:35(PR by 2:31)
BS: 8×3 @ 205
WOD: 22:36 (red band), but 100 straight
No tears/rips. Can still move my arms. For now.
Angie – 100, blue bands, and KB: 21:35
Oly Class Lifting (155# power clean- 10#PR)
WOD: 29:13RX!!!!! I had yet to complete this WOD RX’d till today. Although a lil slow I was bound and determined to finish it. I was just glad I didn’t have to start a stop watch to finish my time! Sit-ups and air squats unbroken!!
I hoped I could make it through the 50 rep cycle… I made it and felt pretty good so I did a cycle of 25, still felt I could go a little more so I did the last set of 25. Can’t believe I did 100 push ups!