Unique Community Discount Code (UCDC): WLCRYGBsbPoc
Unique Community Discount Link (UCDL): https://
Both our CODE and our LINK will do two things:
Give you a $5 discount on registration
Register you with OUR Community
Regular price of the Challenge $49
Early registration price $44
Player discount applies to both regular and early registration price
Early registration August 1 – August 7
General registration August 8 – Sept 6

A. 10 Min Skill AMRAP
1 x Power Clean (Pos 3)
1 x Power Clean (Pos 2)
1 x Front Squat
1 x Jerk
B. Scaled Grace
30 x Clean and Jerks AFAP
A. Every 75 Secs for 8 Sets
1 x Power Clean (Pos 3)
1 x Hang Power Clean (Pos 2)
1 x Split Jerk
B. Grace
30 x Clean and Jerks @ 135lb/95lb
Level 2
A. 3 Sets NFT
3 x Rope Climbs
10 x Alternating Pistols
Level 1
Every 75 Secs for 8 Sets
10 x Alternating Pistols
3 – 5 x Bar muscle-ups
B. Grace
30 x Clean and Jerks @ 135lb/95lb
-Post results under comments
A. 85#x2, 95#x2, 100#x2, 105#x2
B. 1:37 @ 85#
Wish i would have done 95# – there’s always next time:)
A. 135 for a few rounds, 145 for a few, and 155 for the rest.
B. 3:42 @ 115lbs.
Grace: 4:30 @65.
A) 105 x 3, 110 x 3, 115 x 2
B) grace 2:42 at 85 lbs. wish I had done 95 lbs but was afraid of having to do burpees if it took too long.
A. 135lbs
B. 6:02 Rx
Grace3:54 @115
1:52 @95#.
Scaled wrong. :/
Grace- 3:33 Rx
A. 85×2, 95×2, 105×2, 115×2
B. 85# 2:41. Found my time from one year ago. Decreased my time by almost 90sec and increased my weight by 20#!
A. 95-115-115-115-115-115-115-115
B. 4:12 @105#. Would be interesting to see how far I could get at Rx, but definitely wouldn’t make it in 5 minutes.
A. 95-115-115-115-115-115-115-115
B. 4:43@ 105
A. Performance clean and jerk sequence with some pistols in between. A few rope climbs…
Grace 3:05 i think i counted right …maybe a few extra?..the weight felt ok but .i felt like i had no rhythm .
Left Achilles is driving me crazy… It’s really tight so i must have strained it at some point. Not painful but bothersome. May need to rest it for a few days or something.
A. 75#
B. 65#, 5:19
A. 3 sets of 10 alternating pistols and warmed up for Grace.
B. 2:14 Rx (46 sec PR)
A. 115×5, 120, 125×2
B. 4:50 90#
B: Only got in 22 @ 65#. Didn’t want to strain my already-sort elbow. Need to get into a better rhythm.