Unique Community Discount Code (UCDC): WLCRYGBsbPoc
Unique Community Discount Link (UCDL): https://
Both our CODE and our LINK will do two things:
Give you a $5 discount on registration
Register you with OUR Community
Regular price of the Challenge $49
Early registration price $44
Player discount applies to both regular and early registration price
General registration August 8 – Sept 6

A. Clean Progressions
B. 2K Row AFAP
A. Ever 75 Secs for 8 Sets
3 – Position Clean + Jerk
B. 2K Row AFAP
Level 2
A. 3 Sets NFT
5 x C2B Pull-ups
2 x Rope Climbs
Level 1
A. 3 Sets NFT
5 x Weighted C2B Pull-ups
2 x Weighted Rope Climbs
B. 2K Row AFAP
-Post results under comments
A. Done
B 8:13 tried slower stronger pulls but it backfired. Maybe could have increased the damper per josh. 30 secs less than pr.
Waking up that early was my biggest accomplishment of the day! 🙂
I don’t know about this rowing thing. 2K in 10:55 but it was my first time for this WOD. Whole workout felt off to me but I think that’s because I donated blood on Wed. Or I just need a weekend. Hard to say which.
8:49, quite proud, my fastest 1000 was 4:40, so its improvement!
A. 95#x3, 105#x2, 115#x3
B. 7:36
Strength WOD
A. 95#
B. 7:49, my goal was sub 8… and to make it on the white board… even if only for an hour… 🙂 Felt great. Thanks for the push Matt and Shawn.
A. 65#x6, 55×2. Feels good to be back, but can tell I have lost momentum.
B. 9:40. First time doing this WOD
A. @115# – really get a lot out of these position lift workouts. Lifting felt great today!
B. 7:59.6 – finally broke the elusive 8 minute mark!
C. 100 sit-ups, wow that was rough after rowing
A. 60, 65, 70, 75×5 Had some mild knee pain. Been struggling through some injuries and health issues and I’m tired of it!
B. 9:25 Not sure if I’m doing it right, but it felt pretty good and strong.
A. @65lbs – back felt good during the cleans. Keeping it light for now.
B. 7:41. At least a 20sec PR. Back felt fine throughout.
The next day my back hurt a fair bit. I’m wondering if I’m hurting it during workouts without feeling it right away. Just going to keep monitoring/resting it while swapping in different exercises to avoid making more problems while it’s healing up.