CFP will only be having one class at 10 am on Labor Day, we’ll be back to normal schedule for the remainder of the week.
Unique Community Discount Code (UCDC): WLCRYGBsbPoc
Unique Community Discount Link (UCDL): https://
Both our CODE and our LINK will do two things:
Give you a $5 discount on registration
Register you with OUR Community
Regular price of the Challenge $49
Early registration price $44
Player discount applies to both regular and early registration price

A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 5 x Power Swings – Demo Video
Odd – 3/3 x Kettlebell Press – Demo Video
B. 8 Min AMRAP
15 x Russian Swings
15 x Medball Front Squats
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
2 x Cleans + Jerk
–Starting weight should be roughly around 65% of your 1 rep max, increase load if movement efficiency allows.
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
20 x Pull-ups
10 Min Cap
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 3 x Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk @ 245lb/145lb
Odd – 10 x Alternating Pistols
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x HSPU
30 x Kettlebell Snatches @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
Games Track 2014
A. Pause Front Squats – 5 x 3 w/3 Min Rest
B. 10 Min AMRAP Yolk Carry
<-> 10M
-Post results under comments
7:58-that was a good one! Thanks, Sara Jech, for the extra push.
A. 115lb…… 2 rounds of Power Cleans….8 Rounds of Squat Cleans
B. 6:34…. RX
Pull ups are coming along… and wall balls, well…those are always fun!
A. 115# clean and jerk
B. 7:22 -still trying to get those darn pull-ups strung together but I am struggeling!
Blue banded pull ups
12# wall all
A. 135 for a few then finished at 155. Hit 185 going for 1 heavy set after the 10 minutes. Cleaned 205, but missed the jerk.
B. 7:43 did jumping pull-ups.
A. 115 x 5,then 125 x 5
A’. Heavy clean – hit 185 and 195, thanks Matt for encouraging me to try the 205 PR which I got.
B. 7:36 w/ jumping pull-ups. Wall balls harder than I expected today
75# c/j
WOD 7 min with 12lb wall ball and red/blue band. Started with red band only but new I wouldn’t be able to finish it.
Coming back strong, last two weeks made it 4x /week. Going to try to keep that up. 🙂
Skill work today: DUs (coming along), strict pull-ups (skinny green & skinny red), push-ups, bench press, push press. Needing to build shoulder and bicep strength.
A @145 …clean felt fine but i need to work on push jerk since i usually don’t do that do that heavy of a weight with out the split….i was basically pressing it up so i will work on that.
Sport wod rx 13:40 ish 1st time with the kettle bell snatch so it wasnt pretty but i think i got the hang of it now. Next time will be easier. Hspu felt good the 1st two rounds but the last round i did lots more singles.
A. Done (pistols felt good today, got faster every round).
B. 13:34 Rx Sport.- glad I got to finish this one. HSPU are a weakness, so felt good to do them all, even if it was slow.
75 x 20#wtd GHD’s
A. 1.5 pood power swings, presses with pink bell on right, pink and green on left
B. 6+6- 1 pood, 16#ball
A. Worked up to 175lb
B. 6:31
A. 85, 85, 85, 85, 95, 95, 95, 95, 105, 105
115# C&J….got tired, so dropped the weight to 85# and worked on technique
B. 7:28 14#WB, Green and red banded pull ups – I suck at pull ups…I don’t feel like I’m getting stronger with these.
A. 135lb
B. 4:58 – felt good. Pull ups failed a little sooner than I would like for what I’m training for. It’s coming along though, so I’ll take it.
A. 95# x 7, 115# x 3
B. 7:00 ish @ 20#, thin green band.
1.) 4 sets at 155#, 6 sets 175. Matt also had us clean and jerk heavy for around five minutes after. Hit 195#, then 3 attempts at 210. 5# squat clean PR, thanks Coach. Just missed the jerk on middle attempt.
2.) 7:12, all three sets of wallballs unbroken. Legs feel great.
A. 3 sets @ 55#, 7 sets @ 65#
B. 10# ball and ring pulls: 9:35
It was a rough day for me.. gave blood on Wednesday and was clearly not fully recovered. Lesson learned!