Friday 08302013


CFP will only be having one class at 10 am on Labor Day, we’ll be back to normal schedule for the remainder of the week.  


Unique Community Discount Code (UCDC): WLCRYGBsbPoc
Unique Community Discount Link (UCDL):
Both our CODE and our LINK will do two things:

Give you a $5 discount on registration
Register you with OUR Community

Regular price of the Challenge $49
Early registration price $44
Player discount applies to both regular and early registration price



A.   EMOM – 10 Mins

Even – 5 x Power Swings – Demo Video

Odd – 3/3 x Kettlebell Press – Demo Video 

B.  8 Min AMRAP 

15 x Russian Swings 

15 x Medball Front Squats 


A.  EMOM – 10 Mins 

2 x Cleans + Jerk 

Starting weight should be roughly around 65% of your 1 rep max, increase load if movement efficiency allows.  

B.  3 Rounds AFAP 

20 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb 

20 x Pull-ups 

10 Min Cap 


A.  EMOM – 10 Mins 

Even – 3 x Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk @ 245lb/145lb 

Odd – 10 x Alternating Pistols 

B.  3 Rounds AFAP 

20 x HSPU 

30 x Kettlebell Snatches @ 1.5 pood/1 pood 

Games Track 2014 

A.  Pause Front Squats – 5 x 3 w/3 Min Rest 

B.  10 Min AMRAP Yolk Carry 

<-> 10M   

-Post results under comments  

17 Responses
  1. Sara Jech

    A. 115lb…… 2 rounds of Power Cleans….8 Rounds of Squat Cleans

    B. 6:34…. RX
    Pull ups are coming along… and wall balls, well…those are always fun!

  2. Holly T

    A. 115# clean and jerk
    B. 7:22 -still trying to get those darn pull-ups strung together but I am struggeling!

  3. Pat Demeules

    A. 135 for a few then finished at 155. Hit 185 going for 1 heavy set after the 10 minutes. Cleaned 205, but missed the jerk.
    B. 7:43 did jumping pull-ups.

  4. Paul Bye

    A. 115 x 5,then 125 x 5
    A’. Heavy clean – hit 185 and 195, thanks Matt for encouraging me to try the 205 PR which I got.
    B. 7:36 w/ jumping pull-ups. Wall balls harder than I expected today

  5. Jennifer Brickley

    75# c/j
    WOD 7 min with 12lb wall ball and red/blue band. Started with red band only but new I wouldn’t be able to finish it.
    Coming back strong, last two weeks made it 4x /week. Going to try to keep that up. 🙂

  6. Cally

    Skill work today: DUs (coming along), strict pull-ups (skinny green & skinny red), push-ups, bench press, push press. Needing to build shoulder and bicep strength.

  7. Susan Kian

    A @145 …clean felt fine but i need to work on push jerk since i usually don’t do that do that heavy of a weight with out the split….i was basically pressing it up so i will work on that.

    Sport wod rx 13:40 ish 1st time with the kettle bell snatch so it wasnt pretty but i think i got the hang of it now. Next time will be easier. Hspu felt good the 1st two rounds but the last round i did lots more singles.

  8. Staci Vinz

    A. Done (pistols felt good today, got faster every round).
    B. 13:34 Rx Sport.- glad I got to finish this one. HSPU are a weakness, so felt good to do them all, even if it was slow.
    75 x 20#wtd GHD’s

  9. Jen

    A. 1.5 pood power swings, presses with pink bell on right, pink and green on left
    B. 6+6- 1 pood, 16#ball

  10. Lindsey

    A. 85, 85, 85, 85, 95, 95, 95, 95, 105, 105
    115# C&J….got tired, so dropped the weight to 85# and worked on technique

    B. 7:28 14#WB, Green and red banded pull ups – I suck at pull ups…I don’t feel like I’m getting stronger with these.

  11. Roo

    A. 135lb
    B. 4:58 – felt good. Pull ups failed a little sooner than I would like for what I’m training for. It’s coming along though, so I’ll take it.

  12. Ben

    1.) 4 sets at 155#, 6 sets 175. Matt also had us clean and jerk heavy for around five minutes after. Hit 195#, then 3 attempts at 210. 5# squat clean PR, thanks Coach. Just missed the jerk on middle attempt.

    2.) 7:12, all three sets of wallballs unbroken. Legs feel great.

  13. Laura S

    A. 3 sets @ 55#, 7 sets @ 65#
    B. 10# ball and ring pulls: 9:35
    It was a rough day for me.. gave blood on Wednesday and was clearly not fully recovered. Lesson learned!