Friday 10042013

4:30 pm class
4:30 pm class


A.  EMOM – 10 Mins 

Even – 10 x Heavy Goblet Squats 

Odd – 10 x Heavy Russian Swings 

B.  10 Min AMRAP 

10 x Box Step-ups 

10 x Wallballs 


A.  EMOM – 10 Mins 

1 x Clean&Jerk 

B.  10 Min AMRAP 

10 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch (Step down) 

10 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb 

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9 Responses
  1. Laura S

    A. Worked up to 90#. Went slow. Really sore and tired today.
    B. 6 Rounds: 20″ and 10# wall ball
    It was a really off day for me. Hoping to get recharged over the weekend and come back strong.

  2. Jessi A

    Can’t do much with my arm the next few days, so had to make some adjustments
    A.Even Min 10 RDL @ 20kg
    Odd Min 20 Sit-ups
    B. 10+1 (step-ups @20 inches and air squats)

  3. Cory L

    A. 65lbs (did power C&J to limit ROM).
    B. 10+15 (did not go low on the wallballs to limit ROM but did use the 20lbs ball, stepped up and down for box jumps, used 24″ box)

    Hip still feels good. Might try opening up the ROM a bit next week while keeping weight low. Lower back is still sore from Wednesday’s Russian swings, but the good kind of sore. 🙂