Derek, Tina, and Jessi A. 3 x Attemptsfor a Max Clean&Jerk B. Jackie 1000M Row 50 x Thrusters @ 45lb/35lb (Advance @ 95lb/65lb) 30 x Pull-ups (Advance x 20 Muscle-ups) -Post results under comments
Staci October 5, 2012 at 6:33 pm 9:21 RX @ 45# (what a way to end the week. Thanks coach Shanna for a GREAT class. Time for a rest day.)
Mark D. Sawyer October 5, 2012 at 10:58 pm Just want to say, good on my daughter Jessi for keeping it up and getting strong.
5:59 RX (not a PR but I’ll take it this week)
9:16 a little slow pr is 7:59
9:21 RX @ 45# (what a way to end the week. Thanks coach Shanna for a GREAT class. Time for a rest day.)
Just want to say, good on my daughter Jessi for keeping it up and getting strong.