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Do you need to work on those double-unders? Come join us with World Champion Molly Metz for a two hour Double-under seminar to help you successfully get those Double-unders!
Date: Sunday, February 16
Time: 9:30am – 11:30am
Click HERE to Register
9 Spots Left

A. Every 30 Seconds for 10 Sets
5 x Heavy Swings
B. 12 Min AMRAP
20 x Dumbbell Push Presses
20 x Russian Swings
2 Min Rest
A. Every 30 Seconds for 10 Sets
2 x Snatches @ Moderate Weight
B. 12 Min AMRAP
20 x Push Presses @ 75lb/55lb
20 x American Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
2 Min Rest
A. Every 30 Seconds for 10 Sets
2 x Snatches (Squat) @ 185lb/115lb +
B. 12 Min AMRAP
20 x Push Presses @ 95lb/65lb
20 x American Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
2 Min Rest
-Post results under comments
A. 75×3, 85×4, 95×2. Power snatches. Felt good
B. 7+20. 55#. 1 pood. My two favorites together.
DU 5. Obviously need work on these. Not pretty
A. Snatch at 55lb. Probably could have done 65. Will start increasing weight.
B. 7 + 8. That was a LOOOOONG 12 Min. 🙂
DU. I got my first 5 in a row! (no singles in between). Then I was just getting them here and there, probably 15 total.
And part B used 35 lb bar. Glad I didn’t go higher.
CFGB with my lil bro before he went to work. 515.. I thought 530 was early!!
10 reps back squat with bar focusing on taking 5 secs to get to bottom, holding for 2 secs and then coming up. Repeat with front squat position. This was helpful.
3X1 95% front squat.. 180# each time. Leaned forward a bit, but otherwise felt good.
3 rounds
500m row
10 squat snatches at 65# (broke into 3 or 4 TNG for most reps) Their coach Ashley Van Boxtel.. Kept suggesting a slower first pull, i think she may have been aiming that at me!
15 HR pushups
14:56.. Good one.
A) @ 95lbs
B) 4+35 @ 65lbs
DU) 4… yeah, that was bad… really having problems with these when tired.
A. 45# – felt good, but kind of light – need to push myself on the snatch and go heavier
B. 35# bar, blue KB – 4 + 33
DU’s – didn’t count, but probably got about 50 – I finally figured these out just last week, but it was really hard to string them together when I was tired!
Power snatch- 40#
Dumbbell presses w/ Russian swings
Double unders- 56 (20 was the goal I had in my head so I was a little surprised)
Oops- 6 +22
A: Snatch at 75#
B: 4 + 20
C. Got my first DU!
A. @60 (probably could have gone 5# heavier)
B. 5 rounds + 6 @ 35# and 12 kg bell
C. can get 1 DU but I’m still jumping back on the second
A. Done @ 115#. Felt pretty good.
B. 6+27 . PP felt really good. Lost my grip on the AKBS, but was able to make up time on the PP.
C. 115 (wasn’t sure I could even hold my rope after the grip killer WOD).
A. Done at 115. They were power snatches and singles. Didn’t know they were supposed to be squat until I read this. Oops!
B. 6 rounds. Tough-not as bad on my shoulders as I thought it would be.
C. 105. Had 54 unbroken! Super pumped about that. My goal was to just get 100 total in the 2 minutes. Probably jinxed myself by saying that but was a good workout!
A. 105-105-115-115-105-105-105-105. Really tried to get down into squat more (and breaking in new OLY shoes)
B. 4 rounds + 11, Rx. American swings were the slower of the two, but probably equally tiring. Good stuff.
C. Only got 3 consecutive DUs. Can’t wait for the seminar.
Fun to see a different set of faces going to 6:30 class tonight.
A. 95lb snatches…. first 5 rounds were TNG, last 5 rounds I dropped after each one… Felt okay…..
B. 5+3 @ 65lbs & 1 pood
35 DUs…. started off with 25 in a row, and then when I started again, I had the WORST stomach cramp… I couldn’t even do singles… will definitely try this 2 min AMRAP after another WOD and hope for no stomach cramp
A. 55# snatches, felt good, heavier next time
B. 5 rounds
C. Over 70 DUs, pretty good for being so tired
Great workout!!!!
A. 95lbs. Was a good challenge. Was able to improve my form with some help from Juli.
B. 5 rounds. Did 1st set of swings with 1.5pd but moved down to 1pd since my forearms were already tired and was worried I’d drop it. Was still pretty tough but was able to maintain form throughout. Had to break the push presses into sets of 5 after the first set.
C. 102. Was happy to get 100 in 2 mins.
Overall a good workout.
A. 135 snatches
B. 9+10pp scaled with a 45lb bar and 1.5 pood russian swings.
A. Red kettle
B. 6
A. Snatches – 135-135-115-115-115-115-115-115-115-115
B. 4 rounds plus 28
– used 75 lbs for PP
– used 1 pood KB
C. I was all over the place, but I did string 6 together!
A: @55#
B: 5 rounds @55# and 1 pood KB
C: about 15 reps, none strung together, cant wait for the seminar.
A.) Done at 115lbs – was actually pretty tough.
B.) 5 + 28 – Holy crap, what a burner! I found the Am Swings were waaaay harder than the push presses and were really the only bottleneck in the workout.
C.) 148 – Was upset I didn’t get to 150, but my shoulders and forearms could barely function at the end of these two minutes.
Beginner: kettle bells and a 15lb bar bell. Not quite sure what movements I did (still learning the names), but they were hard. I did 4 rounds in the 10 minutes given. Lesson Learned: Do not eat carbs for Lunch or run out of energy.
Need more practice on the double unders.
Hanstrings and Shoulders sore. Good work out