For those of you who are observant, you may have noticed that there are some members that are doing their own training outside of the programmed class. Some of you have maybe even wondered “what makes them so special?” Others maybe don’t care. And a few of you might actually know because you asked. The rest of you don’t know what I’m talking about. All of these scenarios are because we have failed to communicate this to the community as a whole. So this is what I’m set out to do in this post.
I will refer to these individuals as the “competitors,” but they are also known as the advanced exercisers. The name of this group of individuals is slightly deceiving because you don’t have to be a “competitor” or “advanced exerciser” to participate in this group. Rather you simply need to have an interest in expanding your fitness level beyond what is obtainable in the daily programming. So for those of you wondering what makes this group of individuals so special…..NOTHING!
This group started out simply with a few individuals from the gym wanting to do extra training on the side and by word or mouth has slowly grown. Up until now we never conceived the idea of offering this to the community because we hadn’t realized how many individuals would be interested. But as this group, and the community grows, we realize we need to communicate to everyone what this group is, why it exists, and how you can join if you are interested.
What is the “competitor” program?
The competitor program is an optional set of workouts intended to enhance an athlete’s fitness level beyond that achieved during regular class programming. There tends to be a stronger lifting component, with more intense and complex movements.
Who is the “competitor” group for?
The Competitor program is for an athlete who wants to advance to the next level of Crossfit, beyond just conquering functional movements and overall health. It is for the individual who wants to strive to become the best, and for most of these individuals, to compete.
How do I join?
Contact me (Matt). I can explain a bit more in depth what this programming entails and requires by those who wish to participate. I can also help figure out if this would be beneficial for you, or if perhaps an alternative fitness program exists that might supplement the regular training better.
Lastly, we are aware that depending on the class size and workout, space can be tight…we’re working on this. However, until we find the magic solution we need to be respectful of each other’s fitness goals and time. We will do our best to avoid individuals participating in the “competitor” programming from infringing or interfering with scheduled class times, space, and overall experience.
Movement Warm-up Set
Barbell Complex:
2 x Sets NFT
10 x HBBS
10 x Strict Press
10 x Straight leg Deadlifts
A. CrossFit Total
1 x rep max Back Squat
1 x rep max Shoulder Press
1 x rep max Deadlift
You have 3 legit attempts at each lift. Make sure you properly perform your “warm-up” sets prior to making any single lift attempts. You have 40 minutes to perform the CF total
B. 3 Rounds AFAP:
50 x Double unders (100 singles)
15 x Kettlebell Swings (Russian) Go heavy!
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