-Starting May 7th CFP will be adding an additional 8am class for Tuesdays and Thursdays.
-Memorial Day Murph is just around the corner. On May 27th CFP will honor Medal of Honor hero Michael Murphy as well as all of our veterans past and present. CFP will be raising money for the Wounded Warrior Project by selling “Never Forgotten” t-shirts in which $5.00 from every shirt will be donated. Please reserve your shirt before May 13th here.

A. Snatch Progressions
200M Run
42 x Swings
21 x Burpees
200M Run
30 x Swings
15 x Burpees
200M Run
18 x Swings
9 x Burpees
A. Snatch – 5 x 3 @ 70%-75%
200M Run
21 x Hang Power Snatches @ 95lb/65lb
21 x Burpees
200M Run
15 x Hang Power Snatches
15 x Burpees
200M Run
9 x Hang Power Snatches
9 x Burpees
A. Take 15 mins to establish a max set TNG Power Snatch @ 185lb/105lb
200M Run
9 x Hang Squat Snatches @ 155lb/95lb
9 x Muscle-ups
200M Run
7 x Hang Squat Snatch
7 x Muscle-ups
200M Run
5 x Hang Squat Snatch
5 x Muscle-ups
-Post results under comments
Looks fun!
A. Worked up to 1 rep max… 100lbs 🙂
B. 11:28 @ 55lbs
A. 65,75,85,95,10
B. 14:45 Rx’d
legs felt heavy and timing for snatch felt off. Probably good thing tomorrow is my rest day
A: @95
B: 8:56 @75
A: worked light (35-55#) on technique. Dang, who knew it was a scoop not a swing from the floor!
B: 13:33 – went light again, still trying to really learn how to do the darn snatch right
I can do 2 tng at 105…felt heavy… probably should have warmed up more.
Partnered with Staci and did the wod 12 something…with Burpees and snatches at 95..squat snatches were actually power snatches.. I need to work on squat snatch..also the 1st set of snatches I had too wide of a grip and I felt like I had no power. I moved my hands in for the last two sets and it was 10 times easier. I recently moved my hands out farther to hit my hips in the right spot but it takes away a lot of power that I have in my shoulders….I can’t decide what grip to use…will ask at oly.
Did muscle ups at end and made 5 of 7 attempts. Trying to practice those when I am tired so someday I can do them in an actual workout.
Did 3×7 overhead squats with the bar to practice mobility for a more narrow stance.
A: could only do 3 TNG hang snatches @ 105, would lose grip on way back down on 3rd.
B: hit cap, did 85# instead of 95#, did MU’s, failed repeateded on last 2, got to 1 left, and shoulder were done!
Thanks for the encouragement 430 & 530 classes!! my shoulders were shot thou!
A. 3 TNG@ 105
B. HSS @ 95 (9-7-5)
Burpees (21-15-9)
200m run!!!! (First time trying to run in 15 months!!!!! Not 100% yet, but did ‘t feel terrible. Went slow to test it)
Strength WOD
First day back after a 10 day bout with some crazy virus. Felt good.
A. Snatch – 85-85-105-85-85 (form really suffered at 105) – still need work on getting deeper in the squat. flexibility.
B. Fun Wod…ouch. 11:56 at 75#.
A. Snatch 85-85-105-105-105
B. 12:00 @75#